Injecting the Core server command line parameters via file

In the applications, put a file named


This file - if found - will be read as xml and used as parameters.

Example of valid input:

  <arg>port=5020</arg>  // only when you run locally
  <arg>nohttps</arg>    // remove to have https
  <arg>host=localhost</arg>   // only when you run locally
  <arg>iis=https://localhost/TKDebug</arg> // probably the only param you send for IIS hosting 

The file is practical since it will enable you to just unzip a fresh version of the server software into the old location. This will will stay untouched - and the server is ready to start with these settings.

2024-11-29 we changed the core builds to   <AspNetCoreHostingModel>OutOfProcess</AspNetCoreHostingModel> , this means that IIS will spawn external processes - and only act as a reverse proxy for the apps.

The main gain we get from this is the ability to house multiple applications in one Azure WebApplication - and we want to do that for the standard installation , so that turnkey is on top and a sub dir __MDrivenServer holds the server.

This page was edited 63 days ago on 01/20/2025. What links here